1. Prompt Builder - Promptogy

Prompt Builder - Promptogy

Create detailed prompts for AI art generators with a free and easy-to-use prompt builder that helps you find inspiration and generate stunning images.


What is Promptogy?

Promptogy is an AI-driven platform that provides access to a vast array of AI technologies for generating art prompts, including Midjourney and Stable Diffusion, for various artistic needs.

Features of Promptogy

User-Friendly Interface

Promptogy offers a clear structure, intuitive navigation, and an attractive visual design, making it comfortable and productive for every visitor to create prompts.

Wide Selection of Art Styles

Promptogy provides a wide variety of art styles, including Graphic novel, Claymation, Vector art, Plein Air, 3D Modeling, Rococo, Cubism, Graffiti, Low-poly, Comic book, Fauvism, Minimalism, Photorealism, Psychedelic art, Graphite pencil drawing, Abstract art, Voxel art, and Post-impressionism, to help users find inspiration and express their individuality.


With just a few clicks, users can turn their imagination into art that reflects their uniqueness, personal style, and artistic vision, saving time and effort.

How to Use Promptogy

Every user can utilize Promptogy's AI art prompt generator for free, with the option to subscribe for additional benefits and extended access.

Can I Create Detailed Prompts for AI Art with Promptogy?

Yes, with Promptogy's AI art prompt generator, users can create detailed prompts for AI art, including Midjourney and Stable Diffusion, to generate unique and personalized art pieces.

How Many Art Styles are Available on Promptogy?

Promptogy offers over 20 art styles, including Graphic novel, Claymation, Vector art, Plein Air, 3D Modeling, Rococo, Cubism, Graffiti, Low-poly, Comic book, Fauvism, Minimalism, Photorealism, Psychedelic art, Graphite pencil drawing, Abstract art, Voxel art, and Post-impressionism, to cater to various artistic needs.

How Can I Maximize My Use of Promptogy's AI Services?

By leveraging Promptogy's user-friendly interface, wide selection of art styles, and time-saving features, users can explore a vast range of AI-powered tools to support various artistic tasks.

Will My Information be Used for Training Data?

We highly value user privacy, and your data will not be used for any training purposes. If needed, you can delete your account at any time, and all your data will be removed as well.

When Would I Need a Promptogy Subscription?

If the free uses of Promptogy's AI art prompt generator do not meet your needs, and you heavily rely on Promptogy for your artistic projects, we invite you to subscribe to our affordable products.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of Promptogy?

Promptogy is an AI-driven platform designed to provide users with a wide range of AI technologies for generating art prompts, including Midjourney and Stable Diffusion.

Is Promptogy easy to use?

Yes, Promptogy offers a user-friendly interface, clear structure, and intuitive navigation, making it comfortable and productive for every visitor to create prompts.

Can I use Promptogy for free?

Yes, every user can utilize Promptogy's AI art prompt generator for free, with the option to subscribe for additional benefits and extended access.